As part of the International OCD Foundation’s new faith outreach initiative, they are hosting their first Faith and Mental Health Conference on Friday, May 21st from 12-4pm CST. This online event will bring together a diverse group of faith leaders, therapists, and those with lived experience with OCD and related disorders.
The Faith Conference agenda features both joint panels as well as individual discussion groups for anyone who is interested in the intersection between faith and OCD and related disorders. This conference is going to be a great opportunity for faith-based leaders and mental health providers to receive tools and resources to best support those impacted by OCD and related disorders. Registration for the event is FREE, courtesy of OCD Jacksonville, with the option to make a donation to the IOCDF. There are CE opportunities for professionals and some sessions will also be offered in Spanish! All are welcome!
IOCDF-Faith-and-Mental-Health-Conference-2021-FlyerPlease pass this information along your faith leaders, faith community, and mental health providers by downloading the flyer below.